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TSLD22秋冬登山Outdoor風衣外套印Logos圖案 (企業訂制)
TSLD22秋冬登山Outdoor風衣外套印Logos圖案 (企業訂制)
TSLD22秋冬登山Outdoor風衣外套印Logos圖案 (企業訂制)
TSLD22秋冬登山Outdoor風衣外套印Logos圖案 (企業訂制)

TSLD22秋冬登山Outdoor風衣外套印Logos圖案 (企業訂制)



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【TSLD22秋冬登山Outdoor風衣外套印Logos圖案 (企業訂制)】

TSLD22秋冬登山Outdoor風衣外套;穿上這款秋季登山戶外風衣外套,確保在戶外活動中感受到您的企業風采。 這款優質夾克採用奢華面料製成,旨在提供透氣性和舒適性,彰顯精緻而獨特的風格。適用於辦工室office室內環境,或對外宣傳活動時使用。加印客戶公司Logo作制服,大大加強企業宣傳的效果,美觀又得體。 


  1. 產品編號:TSLD22
  2. 印刷:燙畫/電腦刺繡 
  3. 顏色: 深藍、黑、米配黑、深灰配黑、白配黑
  4. 尺寸:S-4XL

如需產品更多詳情或報價,歡迎whatsapp 5708 6695或電郵聯絡我們!

#價格謹供參考,會不時有所浮動,最後價格以客服報價單為準。以上參考價格以2個小 Logo彩色燙畫,150件計算

如需產品更多詳情或報價,歡迎whatsapp 5708 6695或電郵聯絡我們!價格謹供參考,會不時有所浮動,最後價格以客服報價單為準。


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

TSLD22秋冬登山Outdoor風衣外套印Logos圖案 (企業訂制)