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學生白襪刺繡Logos圖案 (企業訂制)(企業訂制) - Pottlife
學生白襪刺繡Logos圖案 (企業訂制)(企業訂制) - Pottlife
學生白襪刺繡Logos圖案 (企業訂制)(企業訂制) - Pottlife
學生白襪刺繡Logos圖案 (企業訂制)(企業訂制) - Pottlife
學生白襪刺繡Logos圖案 (企業訂制)(企業訂制) - Pottlife
學生白襪刺繡Logos圖案 (企業訂制)(企業訂制) - Pottlife

學生白襪刺繡Logos圖案 (企業訂制)


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【學生白襪刺繡Logos圖案 (企業訂制)】

學生白襪刺繡Logos圖案,可自定精緻的刺繡和或提花圖案。無論高筒、低筒、尺寸、針數、顏色 均可自定。 它們由優質材料製成,柔軟耐用,穿著舒適,非常適合日常穿著,配上莱卡橡筋,更有彈性,更耐用。

  1. 尺寸碼數可自定
  2. 襪高可自定
  3. 工藝:電腦刺繡/提花
  4. 可定制文字、圖案、顏色
  5. 其他:普通橡筋,LYCRA萊卡橡筋
  6. 每款碼數200雙起


如需產品更多詳情或報價,歡迎whatsapp 5708 6695或電郵聯絡我們!



* 請注意:產品為訂制產品,所列價格非真實價格,產品需提供訂制要求及資料才能提供正確報價,請whatsapp 5708 6695或電郵聯絡我們查詢!

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

學生白襪刺繡Logos圖案 (企業訂制)(企業訂制) - Pottlife
學生白襪刺繡Logos圖案 (企業訂制)